Sunday, May 10, 2009

Attacks on Caroline

Attacks on Glen Caroline are probably best viewed as deflection of the inevitable winning ground game he brings in November. As the newest Chairman of the Republican Committee here in Loudoun, he's formidable.
I invite everyone to go on over to the Operative Word and view the pathetic excuse of a posting that occurred late last week.
Then listen to this.

It's not one of the Operative's best pieces. It lacks fact or reason, and goes straight to the sophomoric view of the world enjoyed by the naive among us.
It also employs quite a bit of poetic license and even some downright misleading prose in an attempt to try to rob Caroline of his momentum. Judging from the results of the last election, in which Loudoun outgunned the rest of NOVA by a good 6 points, I'd say they're well within their right to be shakin'.

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