Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Our own "Perfect Storm"

After the tidal wave that was paid and delivered against the battleground state of Virginia by Obama back in 2008 (and every other state to boot)it is refreshing to see a victory by the "real" grassroots...people who volunteered and were active of their own initiative.....devoid of any candidate payouts for a push.Union money was even short of getting dems staffed locally.

Numerous Democrats of the local type simply walked off of their posts after having democrat sample ballot after dem sample ballot refused, only to see the voter accept a Republican sample ballot. After watching this kind of behavior for several hours, they couldn't take it, became demoralized and hung it up. If you were a dem, and you stayed ALL DAY, my hat is certainly off to you for a hard fought effort.

But in the end, friends....the biggest thank you should be directed at the independent voters, as well as "some" dems who are still conservative enough to worry about the bill their kids are accumulating under this President.(Virginia winner Republican Bob McDonnell captured 62 percent of the independent vote, while Deeds received only 37 percent. Garden State former attorney general Chris Christie won 58 percent of the independent vote, while Corzine received only 31 percent.)

This Republican thanks each and everyone who put aside party affiliation, looked at the real problem and pulled the lever for McDonnell and team.

Thank you for the LeMunyon victory, the Rust victory, and every other Republican victory thruout the state. In NJ matters, thank all the NJ voters for sending Obama another message. "You hung your hat on NJ...visited numerous times due to your overblown ego...and Corzine still failed."

Congress critters: I suspect that if you attempt to dismiss this as more "astroturfing" and do not give it the serious attention that it deserves as an indicator of each of your political'll all be voted out as each of your reelection days arrives over the next 3 years....possibly beyond.

This should be a very, very loud and bold signal that there is indeed a point where you stacked one straw too many on the camel's back. And that there's still accountability in America. All you have to do is "change" your attitude, and "Hope" Americans indeed notice that you've stopped trying to sell then down the river.

Congrats to all the winners.
Update: Numbers for Loudoun county are at but they're here for a quick perusal.

Final Loudoun Co. Results:

McDonnell: 61.05%
Bolling: 58.66%
Cuccinelli: 58.8%

Marshall: 54.9%
Greason: 57.45%
May: 96.51%
LeMunyon: 56.87%
Rust: 54.57%

* These are Loudoun Co results only, the 13th, 33rd, 67th and 86th encompass additional Counties.


Tom the Redhunter said...

Yup. All Leesburg precincts were a sea of McDonnell-Bolling-Cuccinelli signs. There were a few lonely Deeds signs, but narry a Wagner or Shannon one in sight. The Dems were demoralized by their dud candidates and couldn't even force themselves to go through the motions.

The Bulletproof Monk said...

Standing outside the Russell Branch precinct around 1600 hrs, where it was clear that the opposition had departed, and was talking to one of our vice-chairs when Bob Moses pulled up.
Looking bewildered, I asked him "searching for a handle on the moment, Bob??"

Cathymac said...

My friend stood at a Sterling Precinct all day handing out the Democrat's ballots because everyone that was scheduled to staff bailed out on her. The ill will the LCDC has created amongst their own is probably pretty bad.

On to the next step - 2010.....I a looking forward to more hard work - believe it or not!

The Bulletproof Monk said...

Thanks, Cathymac! We'll be glad to take you up on that!
Providing that the dems do not redirect their energy and find a chairman that understands grassroots activism, they won't bother showing up in 2010 either. All we need is to get our people ahead in the polling again like they did this year.
I highly suspect you have read the report by McDonnell's pollster at VV...but if you haven't, it's quite a read. He nails the reasons we peaked so early and had staying power thru the whole season.
Glen Caroline's approach to things didn't hurt and probably put Loudoun's final numbers thru that roof.
The other side didn't show and was unable to srir large numbers of their kindred. That CANNOT be said of Glen's gameplan. He indeed stirred us all to move his people!