Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just another brick kicked out of the wall

Today's Washington Post (the liberal rag of choice) actually put some really good news on the front page today. The Potomac River is markedly improved, aside from some progress that still needs to occur. This is great news for those who endeavored to clean it up, and I applaud the efforts because , evidently, they were stepping stones in the improvement.
The bad news, is of course, that the Chesapeake Bay Protection ordinance was not in effect in either of the counties that now hope to introduce it's weighty constraints onto their peoples. Fairfax had not - at that time...and Loudoun hadn't enacted the draconian straps onto their businesses at all.
And in all that time, stream clarity and health began to rise in Loudoun, and the Potomac was getting cleaner...all without the ordinance.
I attribute most of this to the water and aquifer pollution running thru us from West Virginia's steep runoffs, as well as some of Maryland and Pennsylvania runoffs.

So, in truth, Loudoun's draconian adoption would not regulate "squat"....but it would be a major source of new income to the County coffers. And that new revenue would sit square atop of the farmers and business owner's shoulders.

Be sure to show up September 20, 2010 at the Government Center to tell the Supervisors to forget about raiding your pockets and shaking you upside down to be sure they've relieved you of all that hard-earned money -- just so they can "who wants to make some money -Now Supervisor Andrea McGimsey" on the imposed Ordinance.

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