Well, in light of those murky issues that have finally come to the surface, as well as others that are still buried, I'm changing my mind to match my heart.
I am effectively endorsing Verne Dickerson from this moment forward.
Verne and I are friends. We work together on Ethnic Outreach, and I admire his strong faith (although he probably shakes his head at my colorful language sometimes)and his steadfast plan to improve Loudoun while watching an ever-increasingly tighter pool of money to do it with.
Verne addressed the LCRC last night, but with the meeting running well past the norm, many left to go back to their homes before he spoke.
As of this AM (early), Verne has posted his remarks at his website.
I wish that I had gotten a scan of the card that was sent out across the county. It was very distasteful and inaccurate on a few points. It also, in my opinion, crossed a "clean campaign" line that all the candidates agreed to.
I will not serve any official position in Verne's campaign, because he and his fine staff are quite apt at that, but I will support and campaign with Verne for the Office of the Sheriff of Loudoun County. He's a natural.
For what it's worth, I met with Speakman, and spoke briefly with Davis. Of these men, I selected Dickerson. Davis will also have some powerful endorsements to follow, so stay tuned for those.
Crossposted at Virginia Virtucon.
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