Spike and I with Steve Hunt, Monique and friends at the Conservative Awards Dinner in Herndon last year
With the news surfacing ( I would have timed it differently, for reasons I will not disclose here) of Michael Williams intent to run for the 33rd District of the State Senate currently occupied by democrats, I'll disclose that a small number of County activists (who I will not name unless they contact me to say it's okay) and I first met with "Spike" back on Veteran's Day, 2009. That evening fostered a discussion on how best to introduce him to the voters out here. We also began to introduce him to the issues before Loudoun, many of which he was already aware of.
Michael is a solid conservative, and has a fantastic grasp of the issues that are important to the voters today, and into 2011. Economic stability brought about by solid job creation, support for small businesses that create those jobs, concerns over energy costs and the negative impact that they can have on struggling families, as well as a Federal Government that doesn't understand Constitutional limits on a number of issues.(For informational purposes, here's the Senate vote on the Health Care Freedom Act:
YEAS--Blevins, Colgan, Hanger, Houck, Hurt, Martin, McDougle, McWaters, Miller, J.C., Newman, Norment, Obenshain, Puckett, Quayle, Reynolds, Ruff, Smith, Stosch, Stuart, Vogel, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins--23.
NAYS--Barker, Deeds, Edwards, Herring, Howell, Locke, Lucas, Marsden, Marsh, McEachin, Miller, Y.B., Northam, Petersen, Puller, Saslaw, Ticer, Whipple--17.)
In upcoming votes:
The Virginia Firearms Freedom Act is about much more than firearms. This bill will redefine the proper constitutional use of the commerce clause by the federal government. Wait and watch as the sitting Senator of the 33rd votes with the liberals against this measure when it comes to the Senate. It will probably make it to the House for a vote on or around Feb 4, 2010. The Senate vote comes after the House vote. I suppose now is a great point to interject that Spike is a member of the NRA, and is a proud gun owner.
If you need a very good reason to send the current Senator from the 33rd looking for employment, witness the partisan divide above and see where the Senator of the 33rd is most likely to align his vote on this issue.
Then give Michael "Spike" Williams the nod to end that kind of nonsense in the Commonwealth.
Herring doesn't have the common sense to protect the citizens of Virginia and needs to be beaten. I look forward to meeting Spike - please post how/when a primary might occur. The election is 21 months away so I'd assume in 2011?
First, we have to hope that we don't get the 24"-44" that's being talked about by the Air Traffic Controller chatter I've heard. It begins on the afternoon/evening of Wolf's Party.
The lines of that disctrict will stand a great chance of being moved...but Spike is a realtor, and has thrown it out there that if that occurs, he's not ruling out moving in order to remain in the district. The election is in 21 months, so that's why I'd reccommended pushing back this annoncement till Candace was elected, As it occurred, this became background noise while she's out trying to campaign.
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